Saturday, December 06, 2008

My name is Bailey. Don't tell my foster mom that I am writing. She doesn't know that I can type and I have to sneak on the computer when she is not looking.

I have lived with my foster family now for about 2 months now. This is such a cool place. I live with 3 foster sisters. Two are Bostons like me and the other one is a shaggy terrier. My mom says she is a Cairn terrier. She just looks hairy to me! I like her best. They have 2 animals mom calls "cats" too! WoW! I really like those things. they look REALLY weird to me. We sniff each other and sometimes I forget myself and chase them a little but I never try to hurt them. Sometimes my foster mom or dad fusses at me when I get to excited and I always leave them alone (at least for a little while)

When I came to live here I thought I had gone to heaven. I had been in a fight with a big dog. I had a big sore where my tail used to be. But my foster dad and mom doctored it everyday and it got all better. Now I just have a funny looking back end.

I was also under weight. My mom thought I looked like someone called "Twiggy". Who ever that is. Mom says that she was a model in the 70's who started that whole "it looks great to be too skinny" thing. I have managed to put on a little weight since I have been here. Now you can't see my whole rib cage. Mom things I look wonderful!

I also have a little problem with keeping my food down. Mom says that if I would learn to eat slower it would help. Also, if I could get 3 or 4 small meals instead of one or two larger meals that would help. Sometimes I forget that I don't have to be afraid any more. There will always be someone to feed me and love me from now on.

I have to go now. I think I hear mom coming. I'll write more when I can sneak onto the computer again. Until then... Don't forget to Paws to tell someone you love them.



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