Wednesday, December 21, 2011



Wow, what a year. The economy has not been kind to humans or animals and both have suffered for it. We have seen a rise in our rescues and a decline in our adoptions. We are filled to the brim and are in desperate need of foster homes.... hint hint. But, this is a thank you post, because despite all of this, our volunteers and followers have surpassed our great expectations with your generosity of time, money and resources.

BTRNC was awarded several grants thanks to the efforts of our fund raiser and the stellar reputation we have achieved. These funds are desperately needed for medical care for our rescues.

We kicked off a chip in program through Facebook and we met and even slightly exceeded our goal. Thank you so much everyone.

Through generous donations and anonymous donors, we were able to "fix" darling precious Peetie who was born with some rather serious "little boy part" issues. Sanctuary dogs, including Willis, Penguin and Oscar who were pronounced to be dying several years ago are still with us yet another year. Echo and Amanda are receiving advanced medical care. Echo underwent heart surgery today which was possible in part because a newlywed couple chose Echo to highlight at their wedding reception. We have successfully treated numerous dogs who joined us with an unwanted guest - heartworms. Among our volunteers are artists, authors, lawyers, veterinarians and web designers. Because of some of their talents, we have had some amazing items to auction through our website. We have been mentioned and published in magazines, bringing more recognition to our rescue. Because of our relationship with other rescues, we were alerted of a newcomer who had been kept in a run outside for 4 long years eating goat food and drinking filthy water. We are still determining a name for this brave one but you will hear more about him soon. Once again, we played Santa Paws to all of our foster babies so every fur baby would get Christmas gifts.

Yes, it has been a year, but in many ways, the challenges have brought us closer and we cannot say thank you to each other and to our followers often enough.

May all of your holidays be filled with boston kisses, snores, wiggles and 500 yard dashes!!!!


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